• Can I cancel my order? No, once you have placed and submitted your order you can NOT cancel your order.
  • If I made a mistake on my address can I change it? Yes, Email or TEXT us at Theboujiefactoryy@gmail.com or 786-791-0138 with your CORRECT ADDRESS & ORDER NUMBER. AFTER 2-3 BUSINESS DAYS OF YOUR PURCHASE NO FURTHER CHANGES CAN BE MADE. Please be specfic with the problem you have for example:

"Hello, my order # is 1090 I need an address change. My correct address is...."

  • Can I return or exchange my item? No, we do not accept returns or exchanges.
  • How long is shipping? Please allow up to 5-7 business days for processing time and 3-5 business days for shipping.
  • What carrier do you ship with? ALL ORDERS ARE SHIPPED THROUGH USPS or UPS
  • Do I receive a tracking number?  Yes, you will be sent a tracking number to your email, please leave an active email during checkout so you can be sent your tracking number. You can track your order on USPS or UPS tracking. All hair/wholesale orders will be sent an email once your hair has left our vendor's facility.
  • If I made a mistake during checkout with my information, Can I change it? Yes, you can change it. Please email your concern to Theboujiefactoryy@gmail.com Allow up to 24-48 hours for a reply & We will get everything worked out. ALL CHANGES MUST BE MADE 2-3 BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE DAY YOU ORDERED.